The 3M product is great, I’ve used it for years on my car. My order came very quickly indeed.
The Paintgard kit consists of a number of rectangular pieces roughly the right size for a bicycle frame. They are not in anyway cut to shape for a tube but you can use ordinary scissors to cut it yourself. There are no instructions in the pack and it refers you to the website but there are no bike specific instructions on the website. There are numerous videos of applying Paintgard to different parts of a car. You can get the idea from the videos shown but there’s nothing for bikes, specifically. There’s nothing on the pack or in the kit to say that you also need isopropyl alcohol, a spray bottle and a cloth.
The kit does not include any kind of applicator or squeegee that is needed to apply the film. I bought a tailgate car kit from Autobarn(also PaintGard). It came with some simple instructions, also with reference to the website, AND an applicator. I used that applicator on my bike but it wasn’t ideal, being a bit stiff for use on tubing.
I had to cut the pieces of film to size and shape to go on my bike frame and, having done so, got a reasonable finished job, but with some amateurish touches because the kit was very basic and I had no experience. I could do the next one with a better result!
Overall I got a good result. My bike has a satin finish and the 3M film is very glossy, so it does stand out. On my car you can hardly see it because the gloss levels are the same.